ESO Frandar's Tribute Style

How can I obtain the Frandar's Tribute Outfit Style?
You have the chance to find the Frandar's Tribute Outfit Style chapters in Tribute Reward purses. Tribute Reward purses can be earned by playing the Tales of Tribute card game.
Which Frandar's Tribute Outfit Style pages can I collect?
  • Frandar's Tribute Helmet
  • Frandar's Tribute Jack
  • Frandar's Tribute Arm Cops
  • Frandar's Tribute Bracers
  • Frandar's Tribute Guards
  • Frandar's Tribute Boots
  • Frandar's Tribute Belt
Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?
To be able to play Tales of Tribute you need to own the High Isle chapter.
Are there other ways to obtain the Frandar's Tribute Style?
You can search Guild Traders and purchase the Franda's Tribute Outfit Style pages with Gold.
How do I apply this style to my armor?
To apply the Red Rook Bandit Armor Style to your armor, you have to create an outfit via an outfit station. See the Outfit System Guide if you need additional help.
Can I see how the Frandar's Tribute Style looks like?
Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:
Created on
Monday, the 27th of November, 2023
Created by
Impressum: Tianlein