How can I obtain the Timbercrow Wanderer costume?
To obtain Timbercrow Wanderer costume you need to collect first 50 Siege of Cyrodiil Merits.
Then visit the Tel Var General Merchant in the Imperial City Sewers in your Alliance Base.
There you have to purchase for 1000 Tel Var Stones a Siege of Cyrodiil Distinction for the Timbercrow Wanderer costume.
Use The Siege of Cyrodiil Distinction item and it will cosume the 50 merits in your inventory and convert them into a runebox.
How can you earn Siege of Cyrodiil Merits?
Once per day you can obtain a Siege of Cyrodiil Merits from a Siegemaster's Coffer by completing daily repeatable District quests in the Imperial city.
How can you get the Imperial City DLC?
You can claim the Imperial City DLC for free via the Crown Store DLC Imperial City.
How can you enter the Imperial City?
Go to Alliance war campaigns Imperial City and choose a campaign of your liking.
You have to be at least level 10 to enter the Imperial City.
Where can i find the Imperial City Daily Repeatable District Quests?
In your Alliance Base you can find a room with many ladders.
Each ladder leads you to one of the 6 Imperial City Districts.
If you climb up a ladder you will find a daily quest giver for that specific Imperial City district.
What are the Imperial City District Quests?
What to do with the Timbercrow Wanderer costume?
If you open the runebox you will unlock your new collectible and it will be added to your account.
But you can also gift, sell or trade the runeboxes to other players.
Can I see how the Timbercrow Wanderer costume looks like?
Created on
Wednesday, the 30th of September, 2020
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ESO Antiquarian Robes Costume & Antiquarian Pickaxe Outfit Style