How can I obtain the Greymoor style?
You have a chance to obtain the Greymoor Style by completing Harrowstorm daily quests for Swordthane Jylta in Western Sykrim.
Who's Swordthane Jylta?
Speak to the daily job broker Swordthane Jylta in Solitude to start the "Halt the Harrowstorms" daily repeatable quest.
Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?
What do I need to craft the Greymoor Style?
To craft the Greymoor Style you need the style material Bat Oil which are also obtained by completing daily repeatable Harrowstorm quests for Sworthane Jylta in Greymoor.
Can I see how the Greymor Style looks like?
Created on
Sunday, the 6th of September, 2020
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