ESO Wayward Guardian Style

How can I obtain the Wayward Guardian style?

You have a chance to obtain the Wayward Guardian Style by completing daily quests for Ardanir in the Reach.
Markath map - Ardanir location

Who's Ardanir?

You can find Ardanir in Markath after completing the quest "a feast of souls", which is the final part of the reach main questline. Ardanir

Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?

To be able to obtain the Wayward Guardian Style you need to own the Markath DLC or have an active ESO plus subscription.

What do I need to craft the Wayward Guardian Style?

To craft the Wayward Guardian Style you need the style material Hawk Skull.

Can I see how the Wayward Guardian Style looks like?

Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:

Created on

Monday, the 15th of February, 2021

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ESO Regal Regalia Style

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ESO Nighthollow Style

Impressum: Tianlein