ESO True-Sworn Style

How can I obtain the True-Sworn Style?

The True-Sworn Style chapters can be obtained by defeating the final Boss of the Black Drake Villa Dungeon which is located in the northern part of the Gold Coast.

The chance of obtaining Chapters and Style Items increases with the difficulty of the dungeon.

Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?

To be able to obtain the True-Sworn Style you need to own the Flames of Ambition DLC or have an active ESO plus subscription.

What do I need to craft the True-Sworn Style?
To craft the True-Sworn Style you need the style material Fulgid Epidote which can be obtained by defeating bosses in the Black Drake Villa Dungeon.

Can I see how the True-Sworn Style looks like?

Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:

Created on

Monday, the 28nd of June, 2021

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ESO Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style

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ESO Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles

Impressum: Tianlein