ESO Skaal Explorer Outfit Style

How can I obtain the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style?
You can find the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style pages chapters during the New Life Festival . Complete New Life Festival Daily Repeatable Quests to obtain New Life Festival Gift Boxes. In these boxes you have a chance to find Deep Winter Charity Writs. Completing Deep Winter writs will reward you a random Outfit Style page of the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style.
How does the New Life Festival work?
Please take a look at my New Life Festival Guide
Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?
To participate in the New Life Festival you don't need to have access to any DLC or chapter.
How can I obtain the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style when I missed the New Life Festival?
You can either wait, that the New Life Festival returns. The Event usually returns each year mid of December. Or you purchase Skaal Explorer Outfit Style pages or Deep Winter Charity Writs via the Guild Traders with Gold.
How do I apply this style to my weapons?
To apply the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style to your armor, you have to create an outfit via an outfit station.
See the Outfit System Guide if you need additional help.
Can I see how the Skaal Explorer Outfit Style looks like?
Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:
Created on
Tuesday, the 7th of December, 2021
Created by
Impressum: Tianlein