ESO Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style

How can I obtain the Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style?

You will be able to obtain the Ja`zennji Siir Style during the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration Event (Quarter 3 2021). You have a chance to find Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style Pages in Glorious Elsweyr Coffers.

How can I obtain Glorious Elsweyr Coffers?

The first daily repeatable quest you complete in Northern or Southern Elsweyr will award you a Glorious Elsweyr Coffer during the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration Event.
If you missed the event check the Guild Traders or wait that the Event returns.

Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?

To be able to participate in the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration event need to own the Northern Elsweyr DLC and the Southern Elsweyr DLC or have an active ESO plus subscription.

Are there other ways to obtain the Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style?

The Impresario Event Merchant will also return during the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration Event. You can purchase Ja`zennji Siir outfit stlye pages for 5 event tickets per page.

How do I apply this Style to my gear?

To apply the Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style to your armor, you have to create an outfit via an outfit station.
See the Outfit System Guide Video if you need additional help.

Can I see how the Ja`zennji Siir Outfit Style looks like?

Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:

Created on

Monday, the 5th of July, 2021

Created by


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ESO Old Orsinium Weapon Style - Year One Celebration Event

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ESO True-Sworn Style

Impressum: Tianlein