How can I obtain the Dark Brotherhood Style?
You have a chance to obtain the Dark Brotherhood Style by completing the daily repeatable quests for Speaker Terenus in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in the Gold Coast.
Where can I find the Daily repeatable quest givers in the Dark Brotherhood DLC?
Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?
To be able to obtain the Dark Brotherhood Style you need to own the Dark Brotherhood DLC or have an active ESO Plus Subscription.
What do I need to craft the Dark Brotherhood Style?
To craft the Dark Brotherhood Style you need the style material Black Beeswax which can be found in Dark Brotherhood Reward Pouches and by completing Dark Brotherhood Contracts.
Can I see how the Dark Brotherhood Style looks like?
Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:
Created on
Wednesday, the 12th of April, 2017
Created by