ESO Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles

How can I obtain the Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles?
Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles can be found in Bag of Veteran's Glory from the Impresario Event Merchant during the Whitestrake's Mayhem Event Bag of Veteran's Glory are purchasable for 2 Event Tickets each.
Inside Bag of Veteran's Glory you find also other collectibles from past Whitestrake's Mayhem Event (formerly called Midyear Mayhem Event).
How does the Whitestrake's Mayhem Event work ?
You can learn more about the Whitestrake's Mayhem Event in my Whitestrake's Mayhem Event Guide
How could you obtain Banner-Bearer the Styles in the past Midyear Mayhem Events?
During the Midyear Mayhem Event, now known as Whitestrake's Mayhem Event, you will receive Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes for completing Daily Repeatable Quests in Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds and Imperial City Districts. Inside the first Pelinal's Midyear Boon Box you openend each day you could find Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Emblem. Then you need to purchase Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Certificate and Endorsement from Predicant Maera for 50 000 Alliance points each.
Combine 10 Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Emblems with Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Certificates or Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Endorsements purchased from the Predicant Maera to create style pages for the Banner-Bearer Shield and staff outfit styles.
  • 10x Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Emblem + Banner-Bearer`s Certificate Banner-Bearer`s Shield
  • 10x Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Emblem + Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Endorsement Banner-Bearer`s Staff
The Style Page is created based on your Alliance.
Which Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles can I collect?
  • Covenant Banner-Bearer Shield
  • Covenant Banner-Bearer Staff
  • Pact Banner-Bearer Shield
  • Pact Banner-Bearer Staff
  • Dominion Banner-Bearer Shield
  • Dominion Banner-Bearer Staff
Are there other ways to obtain the Banner-Bearer`s Styles or Alliance Banner-Bearer`s Emblems?
Yes, you can search the Guild Stores and buy the items you need with gold.

Can I see how the Banner-Bearer Shield and Staff Styles looks like?

Sure you can! I have created a youtube video for this topic:

Created on

Monday, the 14th of June, 2021

Created by


Next style guide:

ESO True-Sworn Style

Previous style guide:

ESO Waking Flame Style

Impressum: Tianlein