ESO Zeal of Zenithar Event

What is the Zeal of Zenithar Event?
The Zeal of Zenithar Event is a special festival to honor the Tamrielic god of commerce, labor and cooperation in the Elder Scrolls Online.
When is the Zeal of Zenithar Event active?
The Zeal of Zenithar Event was introduced in June, 2022. Usually the Event returns each year in June or July.
How can I start the Zeal of Zenithar Event?
To start the Zeal of Zenithar event we have to get the introductory quest: the unrefusable offer. The easiest way to get the quest is via the free quest starter from the Crown Store.
Otherwise you can also talk direct to Amminus Varo at the Belkarth festival grounds in Craglorn to start the introductory quest.
The quest quite easy to complete. First you Amminus Varo asks you to to bring him baked apples. Next he asks us to collect wood at one of the marked locations on the map. And then we need to find and return the blessed awl at the marked location on your map. Speak again to Amminus, burn the offerings to Zenithar and complete the quest. Once you completed the unrefusable offer quest you have unlocked the daily repeatable quest: Honest Toil.
How can I obtain the daily repeatable quest: Honest Toil?
The daily quest giver Fasaria is also located at the Belkarth Festival grounds where you found Amminus Varo.
Speak to her to begin the Honest Toil quest. To complete the quest Honest Toil:
  • Earn a level or Champion point
  • Unearth an Antiquity or Treasure Chest
  • Trade with Guild Traders for at least 10000 Gold
Return to Fasaria after you completed one of her requested tasks and you will be rewarded with a Zenithar's Sublime Parcel and Event Tickets.
What is special about the Zeal of Zenithar Event?
During the Event you can earn special rewards:
  • Traveling cost via Wayshrines are reduced by 75%
  • Repair Costs for equipment is reduced by 50%
  • Crafting Inspriration is increased by 100%
  • Alliance Point, Tel Var and Gold Prices from NPC Vendors across Tarmiel are reduced by 10%.
This includes also the Golden Vendor in Cyrodiil, Achievment Furnishing Merchants, Luxury Furnishing merchant and also Houses which you can purchase for Gold. Reduced prices is not working for Bag or Bank Space upgrades, Currency Vendors who don't sell items for Gold, Tel Var Stones or Alliance Points and Guild Traders.
What rewards can I earn during the Zeal of Zenithar Event?
During the Zeal of Zenithar Event you can earn Zenithar's Sublime Parcel and Zenithar's Delightful Parcels.
How can I earn Zenithar's Sublime Parcel and Zenithar's Delightful Parcels?
Zenithar's Sublime Parcel can be earned once per day per account for completing the event quest Honest Toil. Zenithar's Delightful Parcels may be earned during the Zeal of Zenithar Event from following activities:
  • One parcel from the Introductory Event quest
  • Complete Master Writs . Once per day per account, per crafting discipline (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Clothier, Jewelry, Alchemy, Provisioning and Enchanting)
  • One Parcel from your first daily Crafting Writ per day, per account
  • Defeating world bosses or world events (for example Dolmens, Geysers, Harrowstorms, etc.) while grouped with at least one player who is part of one of your guilds
  • Completing group arenas such as Dragon Star Arena or Black Rose Prison while grouped with at least one player who is part of one of your guilds. You have a chance to get a parcel for each round, but you will find in the final rounds reward quest a guaranteed parcel.
  • A small chance to find parcels from Pickpocketing, opening safeboxes or thieves troves
What items can I find inside Zenithar's Sublime Parcel and Zenithar's Delightful Parcels?
  • Companion Gear
  • Treasure Maps
  • Survey Reports
  • Imperial City Vault keys
  • Repair kits, siege repair kits or a small chance for an Impresario Group Repair Kit
  • Furnishing recipes
  • Provisioning recipes
  • Provisioning ingredients
  • Runestones
  • Durable crafting materials
  • Motif style items
  • Crafting quality improvement items
  • Research boosters or research time scrolls
  • Currency Pouch. This Pouch can contain Tel Var Stones or Gold. There is a tiny small chance that you can find a jackpot of 100 000 Gold or Tel Var Stones inside a currency pouch.
  • High Rock Spellsword Outfit Style
  • Kwama Miner's Kit Armor Style
  • Ashen Militia Weapon Style
  • Gold Road Dragoon Outfit Style
Can you earn Event Tickets?
During the Zeal of Zenithar Event you can earn 3 Event tickets per day per account. Speak to Fasaria at the Belkarth Festival grounds in Craglorn and complete the daily repeatable quest the Honest Toil to receive your Event Tickets.
What can you buy with Event Tickets from the Impresario Event Merchant during the Zeal of Zenithar Event?
This year, with Event Tickets, during the Zeal of Zenithar Event you can buy, from the Impresario, the following:
Need help to find Impresario event merchant? Take a look here: Impresario merchant
Do you have a video which covers this topic?
Yes! I have created a youtube video which covers the Zeal of Zenithar Event:
Created on
Monday, the 6th of June, 2022
Updated on
Monday, the 3rd of June, 2024
Created by
Previous beginner guide:
Impressum: Tianlein