Murkmire DLC Dailies

Where can I find the Daily repeatable quests in the Murkmire DLC?

There are 3 types of daily repeatable quests in Murkmire:

  • Bolu in Lilmoth will offer you one of six world boss daily repeatable quests.
  • Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth will offer you one of six delve daily repeatable quests.
  • Tuwul in the Root-Whisper Village will offer you one of six delve daily repeatable quests. This Quest Giver is not immediately available. To unlock the Quest Giver Tuwul you have to complete the main story questline in Murkmire. The Final quest is: By River and Root.
You can only pick up one daily quest per day, but you may group with other players to obtain the other daily repeatable quests.

Where can I find weekly repeatable quests in Murkmire?

Speak with Erilthel inside of the Blackrose Prison Arena who will offer you the weekly repeatable quest The Black Gauntlet.

What do I need to get access to Murkmire?

You need to own the Murkmire DLC or have an active ESO plus subscription.

What Styles can I obtain from Murkmire daily repeatable quests?

Created on

Thursday, the 19th of August, 2021

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Undaunted Pledges Dailies

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Summerset DLC Repeatable Quests