ESO Powderwhite Coney Pet

What is the Powderwhite Coney Pet?
The Powderwhite Coney Pet is a non-combat pet.
How can you earn the Powderwhite Coney Pet?
You have a chance to obtain the Powderwhite Coney Pet during the New Life Festival. The New Life Festival returns each year in the middle of December to the Elder Scrolls Online. For completing New Life daily repeatable quests you will be rewarded with New Life Festival Boxes. Inside New Life Festival Boxes you have a chance to find a Powderwhite Coney Pet Runebox. Use the Runebox: Powderwhite Coney Pet to add the Powderwhite Coney Pet to your collection.
If you missed the event check the Guild Traders or wait that the Event returns.
Can I learn more about the New Life Festival?
You can learn more about this Event in my New Life Festival Guide
Is there another way to get the Powderwhite Coney Pet?
This this year (2021) during the New Life Festival Event the Impresario Event Merchant offers in her shop the Powderwhite Coney Pet for 5 Event Tickets. Furthermore you can check out the Guild Traders and buy the Runebox: Powderwhite Coney Pet with Gold.
Created on
Tuesday, the 7th of December, 2021
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Impressum: Tianlein