ESO Aurora Firepot Spider

What is the Aurora Firepot Spider?
The Aurora Firepot Spider pet is a non-combat pet in the Elder Scrolls Online.
How can you earn the Aurora Firepot Spider Pet?
The Aurora Firepot Spider was introduced in the Elder Scrolls Online during the Anniversary Jubilee Event in 2022 and you could find the Aurora Firpot Spider pet fragments Anniversary in Jubilee Gift Boxes.
In 2023 three Aurora Firpot Spider pet fragments are not longer available in Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes. The fragments are now part of the Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear which you can purchase from the Impresario Event merchant for 2 event tickets each. The final fourth fragment, the Aurora Firepot Spider Instructions, which is necessary to combine the Aurora Firepot Spider Pet can be bought from the Impresarios Assistant, Philius Dormier for 5 Event Tickets.
How can I get Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes?
Complete Daily Repeatable Quest during the Anniversary Jubilee Event to earn Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes.
What fragments do you need to get the Aurora Firepot Spider pet?
You need to collect following four Aurora Firepot Spider fragments:
Fragments Source
Front legs Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear
Rear legs Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear
Firepot Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear
Aurora Firepot Spider Instructions Impresario Assistant, Philius Dormier
Where can I find the Impresario Event Merchant and her Assitant Philius Dormier?
Please take a look at my Impresario Merchant guide
How can I get the Aurora Firepot Spider pet when i missed the Anniversary Jubilee Event?
You can either wait that the Anniversary Jubilee Event returns or you can check the Guild Traders & Philius Dormier for the missing Aurora Firepot Spider fragments.
Created on
Monday, the 4th of April, 2022
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Impressum: Tianlein