ESO Collectible - Arena Gladiator Emote

How can I obtain the Arena Gladiator Emote?
To be able to obtain the Arena Gladiator Emote you need to acquire 30 Arena Gladiator's Proofs in Cyrodiil.
From what source can I earn Arena Gladiator's Proofs?
Please take a look at my Arena Gladiator's Proofs Guide
How can I create Arena Gladiator Emote?
Once you collected 30 Gladiator Proofs you can visit the War Researcher merchant and buy for 10 000 Alliance Points Arena Gladiator's Mockery. First, you need to have your 30 Gladiator Proof's in your inventory, then use the Arena Gladiator's Mockery to create a Runebox: Arena Gladiator Emote. Use the Runebox: Arena Gladiator Emote to add the Arena Gladiator Emote to your collection.
Where can I find the War Researchers?
How can I enter Cyrodiil?
Please take a look at my Cyrodiil guide
Is it part of the ESO Base game or do I need a DLC or ESO plus subscription?
Cyrodiil is part of the base game and you don't need any Chapter or DLC to enter that Zone.
Are there other ways to obtain the Arena Gladiator Emote?
You can search the Guild Traders and purchase the Runebox: Arena Gladiator Emote with Gold.
Can I see how the Arena Gladiator Emote looks like?
Yes! I have created youtube video for this topic:

Created on

Friday, the 29th of October, 2021

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Next collectible guide:

ESO Collectible - Arena Gladiator Helm

Previous collectible guide:

ESO Collectible - Arena Gladiator Costume

Impressum: Tianlein