ESO Collectible - Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Memento

What is the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron?
Apple-Bobbing Cauldron is a Memento which you aqcuire during the Witches Festival. Mementos let your Character perform unique actions. If you use the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Memento you will summon a Cauldron infront of you. Your Character will try to pick up one of the swimming Apples with his mouth.
How can you earn the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron?
The first time you could earn the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Memento during the Witches Festival 2018. Usually the 7 Apple-Bobbing Cauldron fragments could be found in Witches Festival Plunder Skulls, but the Elder Scrolls Online changed that in 2021. Now the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron fragments are only found in the Witches Grab Bags at the Impresario Event Merchant during the Witches Festival. You can buy Witches Grab Bags for 2 Event Tickets each.
If you missed the event check the Guild Traders or wait that the Event returns.
What fragments do you need to obtain the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron?
You need to collect the 7 Apple-Bobbing fragments:
  • Apple-Bobbing Aged Fetid Fish
  • Apple-Bobbing Cold Iron Cauldron
  • Apple-Bobbing Fenwood Ladle
  • Apple-Bobbing Fresh Gorapples
  • Apple-Bobbing Poise Guide
  • Apple-Bobbing Stale Creek Water
  • Apple-Bobbing Viscous Slime
What is the Witches Festival?
Is there another way to get the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Memento or Apple-Bobbing Cauldron fragments ?
Yes, check out the Guild Traders and buy the Apple-Bobbing fragments or complete Memento, Runebox: Apple-Bobbing Cauldron with Gold.
How can you combine the Apple-Bobbing fragments?
After you collected each Apple-Bobbing Cauldron fragments you have to combine the 7 parts to a Runebox: Apple-Bobbing Cauldron. Go to your Collections Apple-Bobbing right click on any of the fragments click combine Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Memento is now unlocked

Created on

Friday, the 22nd of October, 2021

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ESO Collectible - Skeletal Marionette Memento

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ESO Collectible - Throwing Bones Memento

Impressum: Tianlein